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Sathaporn Marketing Co., Ltd. is the leadership of Insect repellents business in households and innovation products
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“Panwa” mosquito repellent spray and coil.

“Panwa” mosquito repellent spray and coil. Organic mosquito spray and essential oil from 9 ingredients are quality products produced by Ban Phanwa with no chemical. The 9 ingredients of essential oil are eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary, peppermint, orange peel, kaffir lime, tea tree oil, geranium, and ylang-ylang. It has an herbal scent, good for health and sensitive skin, and prevent mosquitos more than 3 hours. Mosquito repellent coil is made from 9 herbs. This is a quality product from Ban Phanwa that contains no chemical and made from 9 herbs. The product has natural herbal scents which are good for health, easy to unpack, easy to use and a coil works for 8 hours. Our product has quality assurance number.

BuxAway mosquito repellent coil for dogs

BuxAway mosquito repellent coil for dogs - mosquito repellent coil BuxAway protect the dogs and everyone in the family from mosquitos. The product has been researched and developed by the specialist who understands the nature of mosquitos and dogs very well. The product can be used entirely for 15 hours. We have designed a “safety tray” with fire insulation for more safety. The tray is specially designed and made from metal with no sharp edges and having a fire resistance of 1,200 degree Celsius, this help preventing fire and keep the coil works throughout the night.

Kayari mosquito repellent coils

Kayari mosquito repellent coils have herbal ingredients like citronella, eucalyptus, and turmeric which are common natural herbs and effective essential oil that works against mosquitoes. there are 4 scents, including Sakura / Lavender / Rosemary and herbs. The entire coils can be used, it is a good choice and convenient for keeping away mosquitos. The product was designed to be used in well-ventilated areas, night open areas, camping or mosquito abound areas.

Showing 1-3 of 3 results.